It's dangerous to code alone! Take this.

The Player Decides

The following is one possible solution to this challenge.

string name = ColoredConsole.Prompt("What is your name?").ToUpper();

Console.WriteLine("Game Mode Selection:");
Console.WriteLine("1 - Human vs. Computer");
Console.WriteLine("2 - Computer vs. Computer");
Console.WriteLine("3 - Human vs. Human");
string choice = ColoredConsole.Prompt("What mode do you want to use?");

IPlayer player1, player2;

if (choice == "1") { player1 = new ConsolePlayer(); player2 = new ComputerPlayer(); }
else if (choice == "2") { player1 = new ComputerPlayer(); player2 = new ComputerPlayer(); }
else { player1 = new ConsolePlayer(); player2 = new ConsolePlayer(); }

Party heroes = new Party(player1);
heroes.Characters.Add(new TheTrueProgrammer(name));

List<Party> monsterParties = new List<Party> { CreateMonsterParty1(player2), CreateMonsterParty2(player2), CreateMonsterParty3(player2) };

for (int battleNumber = 0; battleNumber < monsterParties.Count; battleNumber++)
    Party monsters = monsterParties[battleNumber];
    Battle battle = new Battle(heroes, monsters);

    if (heroes.Characters.Count == 0) break;

if (heroes.Characters.Count > 0) ColoredConsole.WriteLine("You have defeated the Uncoded One's forces! You have won the battle!", ConsoleColor.Green);
else ColoredConsole.WriteLine("You have been defeated. The Uncoded One has won.", ConsoleColor.Red);

Party CreateMonsterParty1(IPlayer controllingPlayer)
    Party monsters = new Party(controllingPlayer);
    monsters.Characters.Add(new Skeleton());
    return monsters;

Party CreateMonsterParty2(IPlayer controllingPlayer)
    Party monsters = new Party(controllingPlayer);
    monsters.Characters.Add(new Skeleton());
    monsters.Characters.Add(new Skeleton());
    return monsters;

Party CreateMonsterParty3(IPlayer controllingPlayer)
    Party monsters = new Party(controllingPlayer);
    monsters.Characters.Add(new TheUncodedOne());
    return monsters;

public class Battle
    private Party Heroes { get; }
    private Party Monsters { get; }

    public Battle(Party heroes, Party monsters)
        Heroes = heroes;
        Monsters = monsters;

    public void Run()
        while (!IsOver)
            foreach (Party party in new[] { Heroes, Monsters })
                foreach (Character character in party.Characters)
                    Console.WriteLine($"{character.Name} is taking a turn...");
                    party.Player.ChooseAction(this, character).Run(this, character);

                    if (IsOver) break;

                if (IsOver) break;

    public bool IsOver => Heroes.Characters.Count == 0 || Monsters.Characters.Count == 0;

    public Party GetEnemyPartyFor(Character character) => Heroes.Characters.Contains(character) ? Monsters : Heroes;
    public Party GetPartyFor(Character character) => Heroes.Characters.Contains(character) ? Heroes : Monsters;

public interface IAction
    void Run(Battle battle, Character actor);

public interface IPlayer
    IAction ChooseAction(Battle battle, Character character);

public class DoNothingAction : IAction
    public void Run(Battle battle, Character actor) => Console.WriteLine($"{actor.Name} did NOTHING.");

public class AttackAction : IAction
    private readonly IAttack _attack;
    private readonly Character _target;

    public AttackAction(IAttack attack, Character target)
        _attack = attack;
        _target = target;

    public void Run(Battle battle, Character character)
        Console.WriteLine($"{character.Name} used {_attack.Name} on {_target.Name}.");

        AttackData data = _attack.Create();
        _target.HP -= data.Damage;

        Console.WriteLine($"{_attack.Name} dealt {data.Damage} damage to {_target.Name}.");
        Console.WriteLine($"{_target.Name} is now at {_target.HP}/{_target.MaxHP} HP.");

        if (!_target.IsAlive)
            Console.WriteLine($"{_target.Name} was defeated!");

public class ConsolePlayer : IPlayer
    public IAction ChooseAction(Battle battle, Character character)
        List<MenuChoice> menuChoices = CreateMenuOptions(battle, character);

        for (int index = 0; index < menuChoices.Count; index++)
            ColoredConsole.WriteLine($"{index + 1} - {menuChoices[index].Description}", menuChoices[index].Enabled ? ConsoleColor.Gray : ConsoleColor.DarkGray);

        string choice = ColoredConsole.Prompt("What do you want to do?");
        int menuIndex = Convert.ToInt32(choice) - 1;

        if (menuChoices[menuIndex].Enabled) return menuChoices[menuIndex].Action!; // Checking if it is enabled is as good as a null check.

        return new DoNothingAction();

    private List<MenuChoice> CreateMenuOptions(Battle battle, Character character)
        Party currentParty = battle.GetPartyFor(character);
        Party otherParty = battle.GetEnemyPartyFor(character);

        List<MenuChoice> menuChoices = new List<MenuChoice>();

        if (otherParty.Characters.Count > 0)
            menuChoices.Add(new MenuChoice($"Standard Attack ({character.StandardAttack.Name})", new AttackAction(character.StandardAttack, otherParty.Characters[0])));
            menuChoices.Add(new MenuChoice($"Standard Attack ({character.StandardAttack.Name})", null));

        menuChoices.Add(new MenuChoice("Do Nothing", new DoNothingAction()));

        return menuChoices;

public record MenuChoice(string Description, IAction? Action)
    public bool Enabled => Action != null;

public class ComputerPlayer : IPlayer
    public IAction ChooseAction(Battle battle, Character character)
        List<Character> potentialTargets = battle.GetEnemyPartyFor(character).Characters;
        if (potentialTargets.Count > 0) return new AttackAction(character.StandardAttack, battle.GetEnemyPartyFor(character).Characters[0]);
        return new DoNothingAction();


public class Party
    public IPlayer Player { get; }
    public List<Character> Characters { get; } = new List<Character>();

    public Party(IPlayer player)
        Player = player;

public record AttackData(int Damage);

public interface IAttack
    string Name { get; }
    AttackData Create();

public abstract class Character
    public abstract string Name { get; }
    public abstract IAttack StandardAttack { get; }

    private int _hp;
    public int HP
        get => _hp;
        set => _hp = Math.Clamp(value, 0, MaxHP);

    public int MaxHP { get; }

    public bool IsAlive => HP > 0;

    public Character(int hp)
        MaxHP = hp;
        HP = hp;

public class Skeleton : Character
    public override string Name => "SKELETON";
    public override IAttack StandardAttack { get; } = new BoneCrunch();

    public Skeleton() : base(5) { }

public class BoneCrunch : IAttack
    private static readonly Random _random = new Random();

    public string Name => "BONE CRUNCH";
    public AttackData Create() => new AttackData(_random.Next(2));

public class TheTrueProgrammer : Character
    public override string Name { get; }

    public TheTrueProgrammer(string name) : base(25) => Name = name;
    public override IAttack StandardAttack { get; } = new Punch();

public class Punch : IAttack
    public string Name => "PUNCH";
    public AttackData Create() => new AttackData(1);

public class TheUncodedOne : Character
    public override string Name => "THE UNCODED ONE";
    public TheUncodedOne() : base(15) { }
    public override IAttack StandardAttack { get; } = new Unraveling();

public class Unraveling : IAttack
    private static readonly Random _random = new Random();
    public string Name => "UNRAVELING";
    public AttackData Create() => new AttackData(_random.Next(3));

public static class ColoredConsole
    public static void WriteLine(string text, ConsoleColor color)
        ConsoleColor previousColor = Console.ForegroundColor;
        Console.ForegroundColor = color;
        Console.ForegroundColor = previousColor;

    public static void Write(string text, ConsoleColor color)
        ConsoleColor previousColor = Console.ForegroundColor;
        Console.ForegroundColor = color;
        Console.ForegroundColor = previousColor;

    public static string Prompt(string questionToAsk)
        ConsoleColor previousColor = Console.ForegroundColor;
        Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray;
        Console.Write(questionToAsk + " ");
        Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan;
        string input = Console.ReadLine() ?? ""; // If we got null, use empty string instead.
        Console.ForegroundColor = previousColor;
        return input;