It's dangerous to code alone! Take this.

The Color

The following is one possible solution to this challenge.

Color random = new Color(2, 200, 20);
Color fixedColor = Color.Orange;

Console.WriteLine($"R={random.R} G={random.G} B={random.B}");
Console.WriteLine($"R={fixedColor.R} G={fixedColor.G} B={fixedColor.B}");

public class Color
    public byte R { get; }
    public byte G { get; }
    public byte B { get; }

    public Color(byte r, byte g, byte b)
        R = r;
        G = g;
        B = b;

    public static Color White  { get; } = new Color(255,  255,  255);
    public static Color Black  { get; } = new Color(  0,    0,    0);
    public static Color Red    { get; } = new Color(255,    0,    0);
    public static Color Orange { get; } = new Color(255,  165,    0);
    public static Color Yellow { get; } = new Color(255,  255,    0);
    public static Color Green  { get; } = new Color(  0,  128,    0);
    public static Color Blue   { get; } = new Color(  0,    0,  255);
    public static Color Purple { get; } = new Color(128,    0,  128);