It's dangerous to code alone! Take this.


This challenge doesn’t mandate a CRC card design, but here is what I put together for reference:

Rock-Paper-Scissors CRC Cards

The following is one possible solution to this challenge.

using System;

new TicTacToeGame().Run();

public class TicTacToeGame
    public void Run()
        Board board = new Board();
        BoardRenderer renderer = new BoardRenderer();
        Player player1 = new Player(Cell.X);
        Player player2 = new Player(Cell.O);
        int turnNumber = 0;

        Player currentPlayer = player1;

        while (turnNumber < 9) // After 9 moves, if nobody has won, the game is a draw.
            Console.WriteLine($"It is {currentPlayer.Symbol}'s turn.");
            Square square = currentPlayer.PickSquare(board);
            board.FillCell(square.Row, square.Column, currentPlayer.Symbol);
            if (HasWon(board, Cell.X))
                Console.WriteLine("X Won!");
            else if (HasWon(board, Cell.O))
                Console.WriteLine("O Won!");

            // Change to the other player.
            currentPlayer = currentPlayer == player1 ? player2 : player1;


    private bool HasWon(Board board, Cell value)
        // Check rows.
        if (board.ContentsOf(0, 0) == value && board.ContentsOf(0, 1) == value && board.ContentsOf(0, 2) == value) return true;
        if (board.ContentsOf(1, 0) == value && board.ContentsOf(1, 1) == value && board.ContentsOf(1, 2) == value) return true;
        if (board.ContentsOf(2, 0) == value && board.ContentsOf(2, 1) == value && board.ContentsOf(2, 2) == value) return true;

        // Check columns.
        if (board.ContentsOf(0, 0) == value && board.ContentsOf(1, 0) == value && board.ContentsOf(2, 0) == value) return true;
        if (board.ContentsOf(0, 1) == value && board.ContentsOf(1, 1) == value && board.ContentsOf(2, 1) == value) return true;
        if (board.ContentsOf(0, 2) == value && board.ContentsOf(1, 2) == value && board.ContentsOf(2, 2) == value) return true;

        // Check diagonals.
        if (board.ContentsOf(0, 0) == value && board.ContentsOf(1, 1) == value && board.ContentsOf(2, 2) == value) return true;
        if (board.ContentsOf(2, 0) == value && board.ContentsOf(1, 1) == value && board.ContentsOf(0, 2) == value) return true;

        return false;

public class Player
    public Cell Symbol { get; }
    public Player(Cell symbol)
        Symbol = symbol;

    public Square PickSquare(Board board)
        while (true)
            Console.Write("What square do you want to play in? ");
            ConsoleKey key = Console.ReadKey().Key;

            Square choice = key switch
                ConsoleKey.NumPad7 => new Square(0, 0),
                ConsoleKey.NumPad8 => new Square(0, 1),
                ConsoleKey.NumPad9 => new Square(0, 2),
                ConsoleKey.NumPad4 => new Square(1, 0),
                ConsoleKey.NumPad5 => new Square(1, 1),
                ConsoleKey.NumPad6 => new Square(1, 2),
                ConsoleKey.NumPad1 => new Square(2, 0),
                ConsoleKey.NumPad2 => new Square(2, 1),
                ConsoleKey.NumPad3 => new Square(2, 2)

            if (board.IsEmpty(choice.Row, choice.Column))
                return choice;
                Console.WriteLine("That square is already taken.");

public class BoardRenderer
    public void Draw(Board board)
        char[,] symbols = new char[3, 3];
        symbols[0, 0] = GetCharacterFor(board.ContentsOf(0, 0));
        symbols[0, 1] = GetCharacterFor(board.ContentsOf(0, 1));
        symbols[0, 2] = GetCharacterFor(board.ContentsOf(0, 2));
        symbols[1, 0] = GetCharacterFor(board.ContentsOf(1, 0));
        symbols[1, 1] = GetCharacterFor(board.ContentsOf(1, 1));
        symbols[1, 2] = GetCharacterFor(board.ContentsOf(1, 2));
        symbols[2, 0] = GetCharacterFor(board.ContentsOf(2, 0));
        symbols[2, 1] = GetCharacterFor(board.ContentsOf(2, 1));
        symbols[2, 2] = GetCharacterFor(board.ContentsOf(2, 2));

        Console.WriteLine($" {symbols[0, 0]} | {symbols[0, 1]} | {symbols[0, 2]}");
        Console.WriteLine($" {symbols[1, 0]} | {symbols[1, 1]} | {symbols[1, 2]}");
        Console.WriteLine($" {symbols[2, 0]} | {symbols[2, 1]} | {symbols[2, 2]}");

    private char GetCharacterFor(Cell cell) => cell switch { Cell.X => 'X', Cell.O => 'O', Cell.Empty => ' ' };

// This wasn't in my CRC card design, but it maybe should have been.
public class Square
    public int Row { get; }
    public int Column { get; }

    public Square(int row, int column)
        Row = row;
        Column = column;

public class Board
    private readonly Cell[,] _cells = new Cell[3, 3];

    public Cell ContentsOf(int row, int column) => _cells[row, column];
    public void FillCell(int row, int column, Cell value) => _cells[row, column] = value;
    public bool IsEmpty(int row, int column) => _cells[row, column] == Cell.Empty;

public enum Cell { Empty, X, O }