Labeling Inventory
The following is one possible solution to this challenge.
using System;
Pack pack = new Pack(10, 20, 30);
while (true)
Console.WriteLine($"Pack is currently at {pack.CurrentCount}/{pack.MaxCount} items, {pack.CurrentWeight}/{pack.MaxWeight} weight, and {pack.CurrentVolume}/{pack.MaxVolume} volume.");
Console.WriteLine("What do you want to add?");
Console.WriteLine("1 - Arrow");
Console.WriteLine("2 - Bow");
Console.WriteLine("3 - Rope");
Console.WriteLine("4 - Water");
Console.WriteLine("5 - Food");
Console.WriteLine("6 - Sword");
int choice = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
InventoryItem newItem = choice switch
1 => new Arrow(),
2 => new Bow(),
3 => new Rope(),
4 => new Water(),
5 => new Food(),
6 => new Sword()
if (!pack.Add(newItem))
Console.WriteLine("Could not add this to the pack.");
public class Pack
public int MaxCount { get; }
public float MaxVolume { get; }
public float MaxWeight { get; }
private InventoryItem[] _items;
public int CurrentCount { get; private set; }
public float CurrentVolume { get; private set; }
public float CurrentWeight { get; private set; }
public Pack(int maxCount, float maxVolume, float maxWeight)
MaxCount = maxCount;
MaxVolume = maxVolume;
MaxWeight = maxWeight;
_items = new InventoryItem[maxCount];
public bool Add(InventoryItem item)
if (CurrentCount >= MaxCount) return false;
if (CurrentVolume + item.Volume > MaxVolume) return false;
if (CurrentWeight + item.Weight > MaxWeight) return false;
_items[CurrentCount] = item;
CurrentVolume += item.Volume;
CurrentWeight += item.Weight;
return true;
public override string ToString()
string contents = "Pack containing ";
if (CurrentCount == 0) contents += "Nothing";
for (int itemNumber = 0; itemNumber < CurrentCount; itemNumber++)
contents += _items[itemNumber].ToString() + " ";
return contents;
public class InventoryItem
public float Weight { get; }
public float Volume { get; }
public InventoryItem(float weight, float volume)
Weight = weight;
Volume = volume;
public class Arrow : InventoryItem
public Arrow() : base(0.1f, 0.05f) { }
public override string ToString() => "Arrow";
public class Bow : InventoryItem
public Bow() : base(1, 4) { }
public override string ToString() => "Bow";
public class Rope : InventoryItem
public Rope() : base(1, 1.5f) { }
public override string ToString() => "Rope";
public class Water : InventoryItem
public Water() : base(2, 3) { }
public override string ToString() => "Water";
public class Food : InventoryItem
public Food() : base(1, 0.5f) { }
public override string ToString() => "Food";
public class Sword : InventoryItem
public Sword() : base(5, 3) { }
public override string ToString() => "Sword";